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0.076693, f 0.3082, M 0.681242 0.407494, r 0.076714, f 0.3089, M 0.682100 0.430564, r 0.076632, f 0.3165, M 0.693012 0.414458, r 0.076593, f 0.3255, M 0.694276 0.391467, r 0.076672, f 0.3190, M 0.679368 0.386230, r 0.076743, f 0.3187, M 0.672146 0.406531, r 0.076792, f 0.3217, M 0.668043 0.428772, r 0.076822, f 0.3239, M 0.666334 0.451744, r 0.076778, f 0.3328, M 0.670847 0.429667, r 0.076748, f 0.3356, M 0.671349 0.406573, r 0.076709, f 0.3367, M 0.672011 0.383505, r 0.076658, f 0.3365, M 0.673665 0.360581, r 0.076595, f 0.3370, M 0.676455 0.337947, r 0.076518, f 0.3401, M 0.680871 0.315963, r 0.076430, f 0.3411, M 0.686562 0.294710, r 0.076335, f 0.3419, M 0.693172 0.274129, r 0.076234, M 0.699910 0.253693, r 0.076128, f 0.3401, M 0.707702 0.234193, r 0.076014, f 0.3348, M 0.719056 0.219257, r 0.076122, f 0.3419, M 0.705014 0.227690, r 0.076228, f 0.3386, M 0.690952 0.236177, r 0.076330, f 0.3397, M 0.676824 0.244544, r 0.076427, f 0.3447, M 0.662397 0.251847, r 0.076323, f 0.3332, M 0.675589 0.240511, r 0.076220, f 0.3356, M 0.689609 0.231756, r 0.076116, f 0.3415, M 0.703802 0.223764, r 0.076011, f 0.3452, M 0.718291 0.217178, r 0.075916, f 0.3419, M 0.733354 0.214763, r 0.075824, f 0.3438, M 0.748496 0.214525, r 0.075889, f 0.3365, M 0.749096 0.237348, r 0.076003, f 0.3372, M 0.738024 0.252680, r 0.076117, f 0.3360, M 0.726556 0.267418, r 0.076228, f 0.3362, M 0.715315 0.282618, r 0.076337, f 0.3366, M 0.704383 0.298393, r 0.076441, f 0.3355, M 0.694155 0.315273, r 0.076354, f 0.3299, M 0.709351 0.317377, r 0.076251, f 0.3392, M 0.724268 0.313085, r 0.076149, f 0.3380, M 0.739428 0.311971, r 0.076209, f 0.3462, M 0.738066 0.334818, r 0.076306, f 0.3487, M 0.728868 0.352975, r 0.076407, f 0.3504, M 0.717808 0.368633, r 0.076503, f 0.3502, M 0.707163 0.384999, r 0.076411, f 0.3424, M 0.722208 0.388765, r 0.076333, f 0.3371, M 0.735901 0.398924, r 0.076378, f 0.3335, M 0.733222 0.421581, r 0.076428, f 0.3356, M 0.728778 0.443602, r 0.076474, f 0.3362, M 0.723958 0.465463, r 0.076520, f 0.3399, M 0.718255 0.486850, r 0.076479, f 0.3473, M 0.723187 0.465025, r 0.076446, f 0.3478, M 0.725978 0.442356, r 0.076502, f 0.3511, M 0.719638 0.463305, r 0.076526, f 0.3529, M 0.717320 0.486114, r 0.076541, f 0.3541, M 0.715172 0.508972, r 0.076543, f 0.3550, M 0.713816 0.531972, r 0.076534, f 0.3560, M 0.713077 0.555033, r 0.076505, f 0.3566, M 0.714370 0.578017, r 0.076445, f 0.3254, M 0.725627 0.562407, r 0.076481, f 0.3261, M 0.722484 0.539849, r 0.076525, f 0.3218, M 0.717349 0.518134, r 0.076557, f 0.3231, M 0.712762 0.496118, r 0.076565, f 0.3221, M 0.710792 0.473216, r 0.076584, f 0.3464, M 0.708701 0.496090, r 0.076573, f 0.3502, M 0.710042 0.519095, r 0.076552, f 0.3538, M 0.711715 0.542042, r 0.076529, f 0.3551, M 0.712615 0.565080, r 0.076497, f 0.3588, M 0.713842 0.588068, r 0.076457, f 0.3589, M 0.715175 0.611025, r 0.076405, f 0.3592, M 0.717387 0.633794, r 0.076346, f 0.3598, M 0.719824 0.656481, r 0.076291, f 0.3623, M 0.720637 0.679427, r 0.076231, f 0.3635, M 0.721218 0.702366, r 0.076170, f 0.3661, M 0.721266 0.725301, r 0.076089, f 0.3741, M 0.723799 0.747831, r 0.076014, f 0.3764, M 0.724482 0.770662, r 0.076092, f 0.3682, M 0.723240 0.747897, r 0.076160, f 0.3684, M 0.723005 0.725001, r 0.076219, f 0.3696, M 0.723355 0.702065, r 0.076274, f 0.3708, M 0.723468 0.679101, r 0.076326, f 0.3697, M 0.723032 0.656127, r 0.076367, f 0.3684, M 0.723411 0.633117, r 0.076379, f 0.3682, M 0.727032 0.610707, r 0.076363, f 0.3694, M 0.733448 0.589756, r 0.076336, f 0.3682, M 0.740523 0.569306, r 0.076298, M 0.747969 0.549179, r 0.076277, f 0.3722, M 0.752469 0.527154, r 0.076298, f 0.3725, M 0.750123 0.504388, r 0.076349, f 0.3739, M 0.742880 0.484126, r 0.076344, f 0.3722, M 0.742434 0.461079, r 0.076311, f 0.3748, M 0.744928 0.438356, r 0.076244, f 0.3831, M 0.751652 0.417758, r 0.076135, f 0.3683, M 0.766794 0.417538, r 0.076152, f 0.3543, M 0.767142 0.440548, r 0.076130, f 0.3548, M 0.767373 0.417540, r 0.076158, f 0.3568, M 0.760360 0.397083, r 0.076227, f 0.3599, M 0.747984 0.383666, r 0.076326, f 0.3645, M 0.732941 0.380395, r 0.076426, f 0.3646, M 0.717734 0.379662, r 0.076524, f 0.3627, M 0.702494 0.379825, r 0.076623, f 0.3504, M 0.689152 0.390911, r 0.076701, f 0.3440, M 0.680373 0.409742, r 0.076742, f 0.3409, M 0.677674 0.432467, r 0.076752, f 0.3615, M 0.671598 0.411219, r 0.076723, f 0.3702, M 0.670831 0.388144, r 0.076695, f 0.3795, M 0.668611 0.365285, r 0.076667, f 0.3799, M 0.665153 0.342779, r 0.076602, f 0.3726, M 0.667278 0.319988, r 0.076517, f 0.3594, M 0.672639 0.298511, r 0.076425, f 0.3679, M 0.678489 0.277375, r 0.076334, f 0.3619, M 0.682824 0.255451, r 0.076225, f 0.3596, M 0.695414 0.242769, r 0.076253, f 0.3552, M 0.682527 0.230269, r 0.076351, f 0.3479, M 0.668132 0.237626, r 0.076262, f 0.3432, M 0.683186 0.234078, r 0.076163, f 0.3453, M 0.697868 0.228237, r 0.076519, f 0.0400, M 0.366646 0.759327, r 0.076444, f 0.2685, M 0.368661 0.782078, r 0.076353, f 0.2753, M 0.368135 0.804936, r 0.076262, f 0.2783, M 0.368499 0.827773, r 0.076166, f 0.2794, M 0.368893 0.850567, r 0.076068, f 0.2837, M 0.369437 0.873311, r 0.075967, f 0.2917, M 0.369575 0.896016, r 0.075870, f 0.2970, M 0.371491 0.918533, r 0.075981, f 0.2850, M 0.374326 0.896326, r 0.076080, f 0.2777, M 0.373224 0.873660, r 0.076177, f 0.2759, M 0.372194 0.850942, r 0.076269, f 0.2760, M 0.370929 0.828203, r 0.076359, f 0.2777, M 0.370159 0.805381, r 0.076446, f 0.2904, M 0.369543 0.782511, r 0.076474, f 0.3104, M 0.360018 0.764412, r 0.076412, f 0.3324, M 0.344745 0.762530, r 0.076332, f 0.3453, M 0.329529 0.764509, r 0.076255, f 0.3580, M 0.314264 0.764065, r 0.076171, f 0.3581, M 0.299026 0.764179, r 0.076085, f 0.3619, M 0.283813 0.764029, r 0.075994, f 0.3657, M 0.268633 0.764346, r 0.075901, f 0.3704, M 0.253477 0.764230, r 0.075809, f 0.3764, M 0.238355 0.763146, r 0.075707, f 0.3706, M 0.223358 0.765386, r 0.075600, f 0.3781, M 0.208705 0.770299, r 0.075494, f 0.3795, M 0.194241 0.776116, r 0.075399, f 0.3879, M 0.179252 0.776884, r 0.075337, f 0.3688, M 0.177901 0.799486, r 0.075274, f 0.3695, M 0.176689 0.822076, r 0.075215, f 0.3694, M 0.176323 0.844728, r 0.075147, f 0.3728, M 0.173716 0.866927, r 0.075093, f 0.3661, M 0.174210 0.889538, r 0.075053, f 0.3653, M 0.177231 0.911763, r 0.075004, f 0.3668, M 0.178391 0.934283, r 0.074945, f 0.3720, M 0.175875 0.956374, r 0.074994, f 0.3670, M 0.190835 0.958306, r 0.075063, f 0.3644, M 0.205266 0.952685, r 0.075129, f 0.3584, M 0.220190 0.950593, r 0.075193, f 0.3602, M 0.235230 0.950196, r 0.075267, f 0.3649, M 0.250118 0.947174, r 0.075334, f 0.3632, M 0.265198 0.946516, r 0.075386, f 0.3638, M 0.280206 0.949804, r 0.075443, f 0.3667, M 0.295339 0.951178, r 0.075491, f 0.3677, M 0.310400 0.954289, r 0.075522, f 0.3704, M 0.325150 0.960074, r 0.075559, f 0.3776, M 0.340166 0.963991, r 0.075581, f 0.3830, M 0.354921 0.969879, r 0.075670, f 0.3895, M 0.368358 0.959567, r 0.075783, f 0.3747, M 0.372878 0.938107, r 0.075891, f 0.3720, M 0.373923 0.915565, r 0.075996, f 0.3694, M 0.374085 0.892905, r 0.076101, f 0.3651, M 0.374856 0.870237, r 0.076199, f 0.3655, M 0.374157 0.847491, r 0.076284, f 0.3671, M 0.371365 0.825023, r 0.076375, f 0.3619, M 0.370861 0.802182, r 0.076481, f 0.3546, M 0.379423 0.783332, r 0.076522, f 0.3635, M 0.371204 0.763862, r 0.076464, f 0.3606, M 0.355904 0.762261, r 0.076396, f 0.3653, M 0.340600 0.761552, r 0.076328, f 0.3666, M 0.325353 0.759673, r 0.076253, f 0.3677, M 0.310116 0.758103, r 0.076169, f 0.3712, M 0.294881 0.757808, r 0.076081, f 0.3724, M 0.279674 0.757616, r 0.075990, f 0.3755, M 0.264493 0.757198, r 0.075896, f 0.3749, M 0.249343 0.757120, r 0.075799, f 0.3762, M 0.234229 0.757469, r 0.075692, f 0.3711, M 0.219435 0.761583, r 0.075583, f 0.3692, M 0.205055 0.767965, r 0.075475, f 0.3676, M 0.191154 0.776231, r 0.075368, f 0.3632, M 0.177727 0.785977, r 0.075365, f 0.3414, M 0.185445 0.805711, r 0.075424, f 0.3444, M 0.199435 0.814424, r 0.075494, f 0.3408, M 0.214086 0.820047, r 0.075575, f 0.3392, M 0.229095 0.822565, r 0.075654, f 0.3376, M 0.244139 0.824947, r 0.075735, f 0.3371, M 0.259246 0.826511, r 0.075816, f 0.3361, M 0.274393 0.827525, r 0.075894, f 0.3372, M 0.289563 0.828666, r 0.075966, f 0.3379, M 0.304740 0.830394, r 0.076034, f 0.3398, M 0.319929 0.832389, r 0.076088, f 0.3409, M 0.334983 0.836372, r 0.075991, f 0.3289, M 0.320705 0.844030, r 0.075904, f 0.3295, M 0.305757 0.847964, r 0.075816, f 0.3331, M 0.290767 0.851312, r 0.075725, f 0.3338, M 0.275833 0.854897, r 0.075631, f 0.3349, M 0.261004 0.859069, r 0.075527, f 0.3310, M 0.247271 0.868115, r 0.075593, f 0.3221, M 0.262257 0.871599, r 0.075675, f 0.3249, M 0.277363 0.870463, r 0.075756, f 0.3244, M 0.292476 0.868956, r 0.075827, f 0.3215, M 0.307670 0.869524, r 0.075717, f 0.3344, M 0.295294 0.882339, r 0.075622, f 0.3389, M 0.280925 0.889175, r 0.075525, f 0.3373, M 0.266646 0.896263, r 0.075434, f 0.3391, M 0.252051 0.901677, r 0.075352, f 0.3441, M 0.237126 0.904511, r 0.075299, f 0.3635, M 0.222484 0.898655, r 0.075349, f 0.3617, M 0.218795 0.876595, r 0.075416, f 0.3577, M 0.218179 0.853939, r 0.075486, f 0.3580, M 0.218332 0.831256, r 0.075399, f 0.3207, M 0.214708 0.853157, r 0.075330, f 0.3238, M 0.214749 0.875810, r 0.075264, f 0.3224, M 0.215181 0.898432, r 0.075197, f 0.3241, M 0.215422 0.921016, r 0.075250, f 0.3483, M 0.212477 0.898766, r 0.075279, f 0.3415, M 0.206132 0.878037, r 0.075312, f 0.3317, M 0.200600 0.856790, r 0.075361, f 0.3414, M 0.198019 0.834367, r 0.075418, f 0.3438, M 0.197101 0.811675, r 0.075456, f 0.3474, M 0.193553 0.789471, r 0.075419, f 0.3410, M 0.181722 0.775104, r 0.075355, f 0.3329, M 0.180243 0.797689, r 0.075297, f 0.3376, M 0.179999 0.820387, r 0.075231, f 0.3367, M 0.178513 0.842900, r 0.075169, f 0.3370, M 0.177511 0.865456, r 0.075112, f 0.3372, M 0.177432 0.888062, r 0.075063, f 0.3359, M 0.179062 0.910567, r 0.075015, f 0.3332, M 0.180593 0.933053, r 0.074962, f 0.3421, M 0.180388 0.955556, r 0.074934, f 0.3351, M 0.185707 0.976787, r 0.074952, f 0.3359, M 0.199015 0.987673, r 0.075003, f 0.3398, M 0.214018 0.987318, r 0.075066, f 0.3419, M 0.228784 0.983631, r 0.075138, f 0.3475, M 0.243190 0.977627, r 0.075218, f 0.3553, M 0.257289 0.970153, r 0.075293, f 0.3561, M 0.272004 0.965591, r 0.075363, f 0.3584, M 0.287000 0.963122, r 0.075427, f 0.3613, M 0.302107 0.961884, r 0.075502, f 0.3698, M 0.316933 0.957539, r 0.075569, f 0.3704, M 0.332003 0.955084, r 0.075641, f 0.3772, M 0.346861 0.950613, r 0.075721, f 0.3819, M 0.361239 0.943490, r 0.075794, f 0.3858, M 0.375913 0.937631, r 0.075883, f 0.3964, M 0.389309 0.927023, r 0.075996, f 0.3878, M 0.392028 0.904787, r 0.076093, f 0.3827, M 0.389507 0.882362, r 0.076188, f 0.3739, M 0.387210 0.859843, r 0.076279, f 0.3712, M 0.384794 0.837305, r 0.076363, f 0.3724, M 0.381693 0.814902, r 0.076447, f 0.3700, M 0.379575 0.792222, r 0.076522, f 0.3690, M 0.376856 0.769638, r 0.076470, f 0.3632, M 0.361585 0.767358, r 0.076401, f 0.3617, M 0.346280 0.767781, r 0.076323, f 0.3619, M 0.331032 0.769204, r 0.076246, f 0.3663, M 0.315766 0.769107, r 0.076172, f 0.3696, M 0.300583 0.766767, r 0.076092, f 0.3700, M 0.285410 0.764709, r 0.076004, f 0.3698, M 0.270223 0.763953, r 0.075903, f 0.3659, M 0.255256 0.767221, r 0.075795, f 0.3646, M 0.240747 0.773318, r 0.075694, f 0.3746, M 0.225740 0.775448, r 0.075594, f 0.3766, M 0.210775 0.777729, r 0.065738, f 0.0274, M 0.632659 0.389453, r 0.065770, f 0.0812, M 0.631092 0.409066, r 0.065767, f 0.1905, M 0.625605 0.391073, r 0.065789, f 0.2396, M 0.614608 0.380169, r 0.065753, f 0.2158, M 0.615658 0.360486, r 0.065755, f 0.2341, M 0.606665 0.346014, r 0.065730, f 0.2097, M 0.618771 0.353816, r 0.065751, f 0.2171, M 0.622419 0.372813, r 0.065762, f 0.2179, M 0.626973 0.391377, r 0.065735, f 0.2294, M 0.637946 0.402311, r 0.065742, f 0.2314, M 0.641501 0.421359, r 0.065749, f 0.2354, M 0.643919 0.440805, r 0.065760, f 0.2376, M 0.644299 0.460578, r 0.065774, f 0.2406, M 0.642930 0.480252, r 0.065782, f 0.2350, M 0.641405 0.499906
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